Regarding Celebrities
This site is in no way affiliated with any of the celebrities it currently holds. It is essentially a fan site, derived and driven by lovers movies, and anything to do with entertainment.

Regarding Information on this Site
JAMMER is not in any way affiliated with the celebrities it profiles. Therein, none of the information comes directly from their mouth, making every bit of it second-hand. Second hand information can be misinterpreted. The information you find here on JAMMER is not guranteed to be 100% correct, but the site does strive to bring the most factual information it can find.

Regarding Images Found on this Site:
The photos and information contained on this site are considered to be in the public domain, as they were found in various places on the Internet.

This site in no way wishes to infringe on anyone's copyright. If you have found anything that you feel infringes on your rights I request that you email me and I gurantee the item will be removed or altered to fit your wishes in immediately.

 By this, I mean that if you wish for the item to be removed, that is completely fine with me, and I will do so immediately; however, if you would rather that I credit you and link to your site or your email address, that is fine as well.

  Please be as detailed as possible when sending email, as to the picture number, the reasons why copyright has been violated, etc. I promise to be quick and efficient in resolving any copyright matter.  I have set aside a special email address so as to ensure a quicker response the email address can be found at the bottom of the page.

Regarding Trademarks of games and game systems.
 The trademarks seen on this site are just to provide information about that system. If any of this is infringing on copyright please let me know

                                              Email me at  This Address